Dear Travel Journal

Ariana in Maine, Virginia, and California

Dear Travel Journal,

This summer is going to be great. I’m going to Virginia for camp and we will travel to Washington, D.C. and maybe go to Maryland. I am also going to California with my cousins. I am so excited. I will also be going to New Hampshire. I’ll try to keep you updated.

‘Til next time,

Travel Bug

Dear Travel Journal,

I didn’t really get to explain this whole summer thing. I am going to a 2 week over-night camp in Virginia, at the beginning of July. We will take a few trips to Washington, D.C. as well. This camp is a veterinary camp. My mom and I are going to going to go earlier than the day they want us to be there, so we can explore. We may go and explore Maryland, and revisit places in Virginia, but we will definitely go to D.C. I will return on the 17th of July. 3 days after my return, I will head off to California with my cousins for another 2-weeks.

Right now, my mom is acting [mean], and is being selfish. She doesn’t want me to go 3 days after I come back, but I keep telling her, “I don’t mind.” I think this has more to do with the fact that she won’t see me for almost a month. We will still take our usual trips to New Hampshire in August, I’m sure. Who knows, maybe Stasia and I will go somewhere in August. Whatever, so far that’s my summer; no time for friends, or love <3.

Busy summer girl,

Travel Bug

Dear Travel Journal,

I am going, I am going, I am going with my cousins. We are doing a 2-way stop. We are flying from Logan Airport, which is in Boston (I usually fly from there, except when I went to Disney for my second time with Stasia), to San Francisco and then to Los Angeles. My mom is going to come for a few days. She’s doing a direct flight to Los Angeles. I am so excited.

Ecstatically happy,

Travel Bug

Dear Travel Journal,

My summer just got busier. Stasia may take me on a cruise to Canada, where we can also see the wonderful, Niagara Falls. Instead of the cruise, she is also thinking about going back to Florida. Although I love Florida, I would love to go to Canada even more, but I’ll just have to wait and see. Besides, my mom may not even let me go because she wouldn’t have seen me for an entire summer.

2-weeks at camp at the beginning of July and returning the 17th of July. Then, 5 days later, I leave for 2 weeks with my cousins for California, and not returning until the 4th of August. On the 27th of August volleyball starts and between the 4th and the 27th, I’ll probably be in New Hampshire hanging out with friends and my cousins or hanging out with friends here in Massachusetts. Between the 4th and the 27th, I only have 23 days to rest. If I go away with Stasia, it would be for like 5 days, leaving me with 18 days to rest. With a filled summer, I don’t know when I’ll find time to complete my summer reading. Argh…Busy, busy, busy.

Busy bee,

Travel Bug

Dear Travel Journal,

My goal has been to travel the world, become a veterinarian, and become a published author. All of my goals are coming true. I am on my way to becoming a veterinarian, and I have been published I have not traveled abroad so much, but I have traveled. I only traveled to Europe: Iceland, Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Belgium, and France. I am hoping to visit Italy, Spain, and Ireland soon, possibly even England. One of my pen pals lives in Italy, and I am hoping that I can visit her sometime soon. My other pen pal lives in Kenya, Africa, and I am hoping I can go visit her some day. The other place I have traveled to are the states of the United States and Caribbean islands such as Puerto Rico and Antigua. Out of the 50 states that make up the United States, I have been to 13 of them, not including this summer’s adventures. My mom has a friend who currently lives in Alaska, so we may be visiting her soon, as well. Traveling is so much fun. With traveling, comes souvenirs and other collectable items. I enjoy collecting postcards because they capture some of the events you do and leave you with a clear memory of what you did there. My postcards are bought by me and are generously sent from loved ones. Postcards also showcase a locations cultures and histories. Traveling is a great way to cultivate an individual’s mind and explore extraordinary places. I love to travel and I will travel the world.


Travel Bug

Dear Travel Journal,

My mom found out about me maybe going on vacation with Stasia. She hasn’t made her decision, but I’m hoping. I was planning on softening her up before popping the question, but Stasia beat me to it.


Travel Bug

Dear Travel Journal,

I am not going to Virginia early any more with my mom because she doesn’t want to be putting out that kind of money. My mom is still undecided about me going away with Stasia.


Travel Bug

Dear Travel Journal,

OMG! You are not going to believe it! 5 glorious days spent resting underneath a magnificent, blazing hot sun! Playing on board a rocking boat! A cruise! Sailing in the Caribbean Sea! I’m not sure where to, but I know for sure, one place is the Bahamas! Am I the luckiest girl or what?! I am so unbelievably excited! Virginia, Maryland, D.C., California, and now this! Not to mention, New Hampshire! Jeeze-louise! I’ll be back really soon. My mom doesn’t know yet about the cruise.


Travel Bug

Dear Travel Journal,

The cruise is from Florida to the Bahamas, but that’s still cool. I wish I could go to Canada. Maybe I can convince my mom to take me time before summer is over. Who knows?

Texas – Massachusetts – New Hampshire – Rhode Island – Florida – Puerto Rico – Antigua – Iceland – Netherlands – Connecticut – New York – New Jersey – Pennsylvania – Vermont – Germany – Denmark – Belgium – France – Maine – Virginia – Ohio – Maryland – Washington, D.C. – California – Bahamas…25

I am also going to Maine for a few days towards the end of June. My summer is so grand. I wish it was [completely] full of travel.

Maine – Virginia – Maryland – Washington, D.C. – California – New Hampshire – Florida – Bahamas


Travel Bug

Dear Travel Journal,

My friend Amy might come with my mom and I to Maine. I can’t wait. The Maine trip is so close. It’s at the end of June, I mean May. My birthday is in June. I mentioned to my mom how we should go to Niagara Falls before the cruise, yet after the California trip. I suggested we drive and visit Canada a little bit, so I can still get my Canada trip. I want to travel as much as possible, before high school ends and college begins. After this year, I have 3 more years left and I still haven’t traveled to every continent, not including Antarctica because there would be much to do there. I am wicked excited, though. I am hoping that the last recorded information in here, will be my Maine trip and not my trip to Ohio and the details after that. I am staying for 2 days and one night in Maine, so there can’t be too much to talk about, but who knows? I’ll talk to you if I get an answer about Canada, and if not, talk to you in Maine.

With hope,

Travel Bug

Dear Travel Journal,

Today we left for Maine. My mom and I packed the car, then picked up Justine. She slept most of the ride, and I rested. Once in Maine, we helped my mom unpack, then went for a walk. We went to the beach after eating lunch. The food wasn’t that good. I went in the water a little bit, but that water was freezing. I decided to change and then go for a walk around the place. We walked over to Rolland, the theater cabin, where we watched children, kids and teens, rehearse for a talent show. The talent show was to be held after dinner.

When rehearsal was finished, we left and played on the swings. We also read a little after lunch, munching on some Cheese-Its. I read Breaking Dawn, the last of the Twilight saga by Stephanie Meyer. Justine read New Moon, the second book in the saga.

Right before dinner, we went for another walk on the beach. We walked for miles. We turned around when we got a phone call telling us that it was time for dinner.

Dinner was just as bad as lunch, but I did eat more. When we finished dinner, we went back to our room. We ate some junk and I put on my sweatshirt. I grabbed my book, think that I might read it. We then headed off to watch the talent show, which was slightly lame because many of the younger kids did talents that an adult could do, but there were some nice ones. After the talent show, we made smores across the away, at the bonfire. When the white marshmallows were gone, we went for, yet again, another walk on the beach. We walked and walked, until we decided to watch Yes Man. We sat in the dining hall and set up the movie. We were then begged to join some of the other “campers” to play Apples to Apples with them. We did for a little while, and then returned to our movie. We were joined by two other “campers” to watch our movie. I found them slightly weird, but they soon left. Once the movie was done (12:30 A.M.), we went to bed.



Dear Travel Journal,

Breakfast was better, but not the best. We walked around a bit and I realized I was missing my book. We walked around searching for it. We walked, looking for the book, at every place we had gone to yesterday. We took a few breaks, swinging on the swings and decided to walk along the beach. We then found crab shells and such in which we wanted to collect, and that’s what we did. We borrowed a bucket and gathered shells and crab shells. We then found the spine bone of a fish and then my mom and Linda, Evan’s mom, found a stingray skeleton, but I was only allowed to take home the fish back bone. We then had lunch, and after, we packed. We loaded the truck, and again, searched for my book. Troy ended up finding it in one of the bathrooms. Then we left and began our journey home. I slept.

Goodbye forever,

Travel Bug

[Ariana completed writing in this particular journal, but continued in another]

Dear Travel Journal,

I am Ariana, but I go by Travel Bug. Hopefully our time together will last longer than my last Travel Journals. I will definitely be taking you with me for three trips this summer, but although I constantly go to New Hampshire, I don’t share those experiences mainly because your pages would be completed within two years if I did. July 5th, we begin our time together in Virginia. See you in 4 days.


Travel Bug

Dear Travel Journal,

Today was a very exciting day. Julia came and picked my mom and I up and drove us to the airport. We were check-in fairly quickly, and we sat for a few minutes, me having time to eat half a donut; my mom the other half and drank coffee. We boarded the plane, and then took off. Flying JetBlue, we had TVs. I watched MTV Run’s House. I had orange juice and saved a few snacks. The plane landed in no time. We used the restroom and took a shuttle thing to pick up our luggage. We took another shuttle to the car rentals. We met a nice family, mother and daughter, who were part Native American. We got the car and drove off.

Getting a little lost, we stopped for McDonald’s. Then we got new directions to Madeira at a gas station nearby.

When we got to the school, we checked-in and unpacked the car. We got help from Katie, a tour guide. We were then left to unpack my bags. Once that was over, we joined Katie for a tour of the campus. I met a few more people, including my roommate, Desha, before I said “bye” to my mom. I became friends with a few more people. Had a camp meeting and did a campus scavenger hunt, and then it was dinner time: hot dogs and burgers. We then went back to our dorms, where we waited for ice cream. We had another meeting and went to our dorms for a meeting and chilled with our roommates, and then it was bedtime.


Travel Bug

Dear Travel Journal,

Today I woke up and got ready. I was happy for having taken my shower last night. I went to breakfast and had eggs and such. It was delicious. After breakfast we had a meeting and then it was class time. It was fun. Her, Gracie, dog was there. We basically talked about ourselves, to get to know one another. We also described our versions of how we define scientist. We also had a 15-minute break, and then class began once again. We watched videos and watched a power point about veterinary science jobs. We also did a reflection about the power point. By the time all this was done, it was lunch time. For lunch I had a soft taco and tons of rice. We explored the bookstore, where I bought a camera and food.  

A meeting was held after lunch, and then class once again. This time, we went to the library. With my partner, we did a research project about chickens. We used the computers and then I transferred the information onto a poster. When we got back to the classroom, we had a break. I spent the break finishing the poster.

As soon as class started, we presented our animal research projects. Then we decorated our folders, before writing questions that we wanted to know. It was time to swim after class. I chose to go to the pool for my free time. It was fun, up until I did a back flop, which killed. We left early and got ready. I put a few curlers in for dinner and wore my pajamas and bathrobe. For dinner I had rice, a brownie, and a little fish. I went back to change, but we ended up staying there, until the scavenger hunt for the password to the party.

The part was bland, so Angelique, Rebecca, Becca, and me, “partied” in Angelique and Rebecca’s room. We got Rebecca to break out of her shell and gave her a makeover. We left when it was time for our dorm meeting, and then returned to Vanessa’s room for another “party.” As soon as it was close to 11:00 P.M., we all began filing out of the room and back to our own to sleep.


Travel Bug

Dear Travel Journal,

Today I awoke and got ready. I then went to breakfast and had eggs and a hash brown. I also had come bacon. We had a quick meeting, and then went to class. In class, we did a quick reading and reference, and then we did a power point. As soon as we were done, we walked over to the science lab. We sat in the shade, while waiting for security to unlock the door. While waiting, we played a good “get to know you” game.

Once in the lab, we began out chick wing dissection. It was fun and cool. The chicken wing had its own version of a fingernail. You could see the muscle, bone, tendons, and ligaments. My partner was Britney, and we got really into it.

When lunch came around, we washed up and put a wet power towel over the chicken because we had not finished. For lunch I had something other than a filled cheese. After lunch, my friends and I hung out on the third floor of our dorm. We just hung out there until we had to go to the lecture hall to listen to a speaker. The speaker was a woman who was a circus veterinarian for the Barney & Bailey Brothers Circus. It was long and tiring, yet also interesting. We then went to class, where we could ask the speaker any questions that we had. I didn’t ask any.

We went back to the lab, where we finished up with the dissection and did a worksheet about it. We got out and Arianna, Rebecca, and I, decided to go to the library. We had fun laughing and talking.

Time for dinner. I had […]

We then chilled once again, until we had to play a “get to know each other” game. We pretty much partied the rest of the night.


Travel Bug

Dear Travel Journal,

Today I took my time to wake up, but when I did, I rushed to get ready and go to breakfast. I had an omelet. We hung in our dorm until the quick meeting, and then went to class. In class, we focused on power points. We had a quick break, and then we walked the heart. We went back and talked a little more before going to lunch. I had rice (white rice). We went to class, after chilling in the dorm, and finished up a power point that we had started. Then we hiked to the barn. We got to pet and groom a horse. We also learned the anatomy of a horse. When we got back, I got ready to go hiking. The trail was slippery, as well as buggy. The water was gorgeous, but I decided to go back. Angelique and I scurried back tour dorm, which was painful.

We chilled, as usual, until dinner. I had more rice. For a while, we just hung out in our dorm. At 7:00 P.M, we played Jeopardy, and almost won. Between 9:00-9:30 P.M., we got our cell phones back. At 9:30 P.M. we basically played with the people in our dorm. When I got tired of played, I talked with Angelique. Then we went to Vanessa’s room and talked until she kicked us out. When we left, we realized we left a chair in her room. We went back, and noisily got the chair. Vanessa was dead asleep and then it was our turn for sleep.


Travel Bug

Dear Travel Journal,

Today I awoke and got ready. For breakfast, I didn’t eat much. Everything was pretty much mundane. We had 3 classes. We did PowerPoints and a lot talking, but it was fun. We even got to dissect an owl pellet. I had done that previously, in 5th grade, but it was still fun. Lunch was lunch. Nothing too special.

We had a speaker talk to us about internet safety and such. It was boring. At 4:15pm, I just hung around, well actually, I went to the barn with Becka. We fed and pet the horses. I even got to help a rider bring her horse out to the pasture. Dinner was dinner. At 7:00pm, we played “Trainwreck.” I’ve played it before. Then we played “Manhunt;” never again. Too much cheating.

Desha, Vanessa, and I talked until 1:25am, before going to bed.

Late nights,

Travel Bug

Dear Travel Journal,

Today when I awoke, I had a strange feeling. First, though, is the fact that Desha and I overslept. I did my hair, threw on a robe and waited for Desha. Then we left. For breakfast, I had eggs and hash browns. Then the usual daily meeting and hanging out after lunch and stuff happened…

During class, we learned about the nervous system by watching movies and listening to a PowerPoint We also began our research for our final project. It’s a disease project, which I’ve done before at Tufts. My partner is Shauna. We then learned, or started learning, about dogs and cats and different breeds. Lunch was lunch, but I got 2 hash browns from the other camp.

At 4:15pm, I just hung out with Angelique, Rebecca A. and a few of the other borders in our dorm (main). Dinner was pizza. We, Angelique and I, went to see if we could walk Ms. Smith’s dog, King, like yesterday, but she wasn’t there.

Right before our 7:00pm mandatory activity, Angelique cut her nose, She hit the bridge of her nose on the slant of the ceiling. It began gushing blood and we told Allia, and then I offered to take her to the health center: no one was there. We waited and finally Allia came, as well as Tracie and Cathy. We waited for the nurse to arrive and then her parents. We had pops and began playing card while waiting. I also got my nature’s monthly flow.

When her parents arrived, she left and I got dropped off at the dive-in-movies, but it ended shortly after my arrival We walked back and I explained what happened, and in Vanessa’s room, we just talked. Then it was bedtime. Oh, and we had our usual dorm meeting.

Awkward day,


Dear Travel Journal,

Today we woke up and got ready. We had breakfast. I had eggs, bacon, and French toast. We had about an hour to do whatever. We got ready and just hung out. Then we boarded the bus to go to George Washington’s mansion. On the bus, I “slept.” We toured the mansion, which was pretty, and learned many facts. We were able to have our phones, so I talked so some friends, my mom, Nana, and Stasia. Then, we took the bus to as shipping district. We ate lunch; I had Chinese noodles. Then we went shopping. Getting slightly annoyed, we – Angelique and I – ditched both Rebeccas. There was a little drama, but it was all sorted out at a conference in Vanessa’s room, which turned into a self-confidence meeting. By then, we were all having fun and stuff. Before I knew it, it was bedtime. Dinner I had while shopping: bread and appetizers and pasta from Bertucci’s.   

Drama-d out,

Travel Bug

Dear Travel Journal,

Today I awoke at 7:10am. I took a shower, washed my hair, cleaned my side of the room, then put my curlers in, and did laundry, all before sitting down to read. From then on, it was pretty much a laundry day. I had brunch, which wasn’t so bad.

Inner Quest was great. Becca and I were in the same group. The zipline was amazing, even though getting up to the platform was difficult and I got stuck! I had so much fun. There was spin wheel and group struggles.

Dinner was a barbeque: I had hot dogs. Then we watched movies and chilled. Before and after the dorm meeting, we just hung out. Until now.


Travel Bug

Dear Travel Journal,

Today I got up and showered. Then I got dressed and went to breakfast. I had chocolate chip pancakes and a few other snacks. We hung out in our dorm before the morning meeting. Then it was class time. For all 4 classes, we worked on our projects and did a veterinary clinic lab. My partner Shawna and I finished our project. We took a few quizzes and then jumped into the vet clinic lab. We practiced injections with a syringe and a raw chicken wing. We also practiced bandaging a wound and learned how to clean a dog’s ear and clip a dog’s nails.

During the day, I was able to walk Debby’s dog, King. We snuck him into our dorm and to get him out, we put him in my pink “Pink” tote bag.

Dinner and lunch, I can’t even remember, but it was good. No, wait. For dinner, I had fried chicken, string beans, and sherbet.

We hung out in our dorm, listening to music and gossiping. At 7:00pm, we did scrap booking/jewelry making. Then we saw some major drama with people crying and such. I spent most of the night trying to help people. I got some hot coco. We had our dorm meeting, and then got ready for bed. Angelique slept in our room. We would have had more, but people were idiots. We talked much that night.

Chatter box,

Travel Bug

Dear Travel Journal,

Today we woke up at 8:00am. We rushed down to breakfast. I still have my curlers in and I’m still wearing my pajamas. Breakfast was interesting, but I barely ate. As soon as I was done, I went back to my room to change and get ready. Then I left to go to the morning meeting, and then it was class time. In class, we talked more about today’s field trip and reviewed what we did yesterday. We finished up a PowerPoint and played a dog breed game. We had to figure out what breed of dog was being shown in the picture. We had break time and then we boarded the buses. We drove to the University of Maryland farm.

On the bus, we talked, listened to music, and I gimped. Once there, we had lunch. I ate a turkey and cheese sandwich. When everyone was through with their lunch, we walked over to the horse barn. We talked about the horses and were able to pet some. It was more of a review because we had talked and learned about horses at the horse barn at Madeira. The woman giving us the tour, then led us over to the pig stalls, but unfortunately there were no pigs. She talked a little bit about pigs, but not much.

Next, we headed over to the cow and rams. The cow was similar to that of the beef cow at Tufts veterinary program, only this was a dairy cow. We were not able to stick our hand in the cow, but the guide demonstrated it. I allowed the cow to lick me and I pet the rams. The adult ram appeared to be a bit frisky because its thing kept popping out.

After the cow and rams, we visited the female sheep. They would run away from us. We learned about sheep diseases and offspring and random facts. Before we left, I tried the bathroom and then we left. The bus ride was the same.

Back at Madeira, I got ready to go to the horse barn, It was only me and another camper, and then Alia, an R.A. I was able to feed the horses carrots, sugar cubes, and peppermints.

Dinner was soon to start by the time we got back. I ate a lot.

Another movie took place at the pool. It was the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2. We left because the movie wasn’t working. We ate our ice cream from Cold Stone, which I had gotten when I went out for ice cream with Debby. We couldn’t eat it before because we were doing a scavenger hunt. We watched parts of Mean Girls and Bring It On Again. We had our dorm meeting, we gossiped in Vanessa’s room and then it was time for bed.


Travel Bug

Dear Travel Journal,

Once again, we awoke late and repeated yesterday morning. The only thing different was the fact that I had to go to the nurse and take allergy pills because I am allergic to cats. After taking the pills, I ran to catch my bus. I, along with my vet class, was going to visit a veterinary clinic and the National Zoo in Washington, D.C. The ride was long, so I rested.

The vet clinic was no different from the ones I have helped in. It was simple and I had seen all the equipment previously. We saw a dog going through an ultrasound, which was new, and an x-ray machine, which was also new to me. I got dressed up in the x-ray protective gear. We saw a dog getting a check up and x-ray sheets. Then we toured the resort part of the clinic, which was cool. We saw where the dogs were kept: the kennels. We were also able to see the doggy pool, where the dogs exercised and worked out. The last thing we saw at the vet clinic was where the cats stayed, but we didn’t go inside because they knew I was allergic to cats.

When we left, we hopped onto the buses and left for the zoo! At the zoo, we walked to the Panda Plaza where there was lots of food. I got a cheeseburger. After lunch, we split into groups. The group I joined hit the Panda Shop first. I bought myself two postcards and I bought gifts for my family. Then, we walked around spying on the zoo animals. We saw pandas, lions, emus, zebras, cheetahs, elephants, and more. We met for a check-in, and then continued to the invertebrates. I saw an octopus getting fed, and I saw tortoises, seals, prairie dogs, and tons more.

When it was time to go, we waited for two girls to get picked up before walking to get food. I went to a taco restaurant and a few other people chose Asian food for dinner.

We ate pretty quickly, so we had time to get dessert, but I didn’t want any. We walked to the metro, waited for the others, and then took the metro back. The train was jam-packed. I was relieved when we got out. A bus picked us up and returned us to Madeira.

We settled in and ate s’mores and then it was our pizza party time. We ate and talked.

Some of us were sleeping in Vanessa’s room, so when it was clear, I dragged my mattress into her room. We stayed up gossiping and just random talking for hours until we grew tired.


Travel Bug

Dear Travel Journal,

Today was the beginning of the end. Desha and I slept passed breakfast but made it in time for the morning meeting. Samuara gave me her bagel, which I quickly scarfed down before class.

In class, we made thank you cards, filled out evaluations, and just more paperwork. Dianne talked to us about her trip to Honduras, which was sad and touching. I was pleased she shared her story with us. She went on to be an assistant vet. After Dianne’s presentation, we rehearsed our part of the showcase. I had lunch and dinner, and then it was time.

We had practiced once on stage. We were 4th to go. I though we did pretty good when we went. I liked the fashion show by the fashion class and the skits performed by the acting class. There was an awesome violinist and more.

Afterwards, I walked around. I viewed the tables of the other classes. I took last minute pictures. I met other families and said my goodbyes.

I returned to the dorm tired. Everyone was packing. I had packed all of my stuff. I left my bed and tomorrow’s clothes, untouched. I gossiped with Becca until 2:00am. I ended up sleeping there. Her roommate had left.


Travel Bug

Dear Travel Journal,

Today was a sad day. Today is the day I go home. I awoke only to say farewell to Vanessa. On my way to leave, Becca began to wake up. I told her why I was leaving, and then she tossed back over to continue sleeping. I quietly and quickly, scurried upstairs. I called into Vanessa’s room, where she was sleeping soundly. I went to the bathroom and then crept into my room, attempting not to wake up DeSha. She must have heard my feet darting to my bed because she turned toward me.

I explained where I was and why I was there and what we talked about. I got dressed and finished packing my bags. When most of us were ready, we brought our bags downstairs. First to leave was Vanessa and then DeSha, in which we chased after their taxis. The rest of them had brunch. More girls left and I watched Friends while waiting for my mom.

At the airport, we ate after having our bags checked. We then walked around and bought stuff. Our flight was supposed to be at 4:03pm, but we got delayed an hour. Then, once on the plane, we sat on the tar pit for over two hours due to weather. I watched TV; just a mix of shows and movies. Finally, we arrived at Logan around 9:00pm-9:30pm.


Travel Bug

Dear Travel Journal,

Today I awoke at like 4:30am. My cousins and I got ready before their Grampy came to drive us to the airport. We waited for him on the front porch. He arrived early, which was good. We loaded Grampy’s minivan. I had the most bags. We all piled into the van, and then drove off for the airport.

At the airport we did the sidewalk check-in for our bags, which later we realized we had to pay for that. We went through customs, and then walked to our gate. We found seats, and then some people, like myself, went to Dunkin Donuts or the bathroom.

At last! The plane arrived. We took our time to board. I put my carry-on in the shelf. We took our seats. The plane began rolling and then we were off. On the plane, we ate, drank, talked, napped, and watched movies on the TV. Not to forget to mention that the seats were extremely uncomfortable.

At the airport, we helped a man with a kid out. I held the child while walking through the revolving doors. We then left to collect our bags.

Pretty much, we got our van, took a drive, picked up my mom, and drove to Jimmy and Cyndi’s house. Gianna and Anthony came later. We played in the jacuzzi until they arrived. We all slept in the living room.

Long day,

Travel Bug

Dear Travel Journal,

Today was a simple day. We woke up and ate; got ready; cleaned up the sleeping area. Domenic wasn’t up for today’s adventure, but was forced to come along anyways. We ended up driving to the Rose Bowl.

The Rose Bowl is a football stadium. We took lots of pictures and saw people shooting rockets and flying motor airplanes in the grass. After the Rose Bowl, we drove to Hollywood. We saw some of the stars of Hollywood made of wax. Patricia, Gianna, and I took pictures with Freddy Kruger. I got a few pictures of the handprints of a few of the celebrities (i.e., Michael Jackson) and we saw the signatures and handprints of stars from the cast of Harry Potter. I saw the studios and the Hollywood sign from afar.

Later that evening, we went to visit Uncle Buffy and Aunt Jerry. By going to visit, we also went swimming in their pool. I had to make sure not to get my hair wet, but I still had fun. We took some pictures and the adults got caught up with each other in conversation. Later we went back to Cousin Jimmy and Cyndi’s house. Dinner was at Buffy’s and it was late. We all got ready and went to bed.

Fun Day,

Travel Bug


During the evening, Gianna and I went to the movies and saw The Proposal. The others went to the baseball game.

Dear Travel Journal,

Today we woke up and ate breakfast. The house was loud, not surprising considering the fact that there were twelve people staying under one roof. This includes the loud, screaming child. After breakfast, we helped to clean up the air mattress and sleeping bags, and then we got ready to begin our day.

Our day was mostly spent at Universal. Jim and Cyndi dropped us off because they didn’t want to have to worry about Isabella. It was fun. We ate lunch inside the park and then split off into groups. During lunch we witnessed a boy choking; however, a man at a neighboring table helped him.

My group consisted of Gianna, Anthony, and I. My group was the group that enjoyed rides. We had a blast, especially in the haunted house. That place creeped me out. The dude made me pee a little and he hit me. Anthony escaped, leaving me and Gianna to fend for ourselves. We ended up losing each other because I escaped and then five minutes later Gianna was crying and being escorted by a guy that works there.

We met the others at an animal show. We ended up eating dinner outside/inside the park. Cyndi and the other two met up with us for dinner. We ate and talked and such.

When we arrived home, it was nearly bedtime. So, we got ready and went to bed.


Travel Bug

Dear Travel Journal,

Today was more of a guy’s day; however, I did enjoy myself. We visited the George C. Page Museum of Tarpit Discovery. When we got there, the first thing I noticed was the horrendous stench. The outdoor tarpit bubbled under the hot sun and the smell made my head ache.

Inside the museum, there were exhibits of the different animals that lived near tarpits or were around during the dinosaur ages. Some of the exhibits moved (motor).

There was a boxed-in room and research was going on at the time. We were able to catch a quick movie explanation about tarpits and what they find around them.

A small garden acted as a courtyard. There was a long stream that contained different flavors of fish and tiny turtles. There were mini trees with blossoms and many colors with flowers sprouting in all directions.

When we decided to leave, we took pictures with a giant fake sloth. We also visited the tarpit site, where they discovered some more artifacts (i.e., bones).

Overall, today was a fun day. We spent our last night in LA talking and staying up late.

Long fun day,

Travel Bug

Dear Travel Journal,

Today felt like a long day. In the morning we headed out. We left LA to travel up the coast. The scenery outside was magical. When we stopped to have lunch, the ocean was painted clearly behind us with a nice breeze passing over.

Back in the car, we were. I may have dozed off a few times, but we ended up stopping at a nature park. I didn’t expect to enjoy myself, but I actually did. The grass was jungle high and the wildflowers painted over the green. The secret beach was wonderful. We saw many otters swimming and we even saw a few crabs scurrying along.

As we made our way back to the car, we stumbled upon two deer: male and female. The female deer was eating, but then, I guess the male deer wanted to get frisky because he attempted to mount the female deer.

We watched the deer until we left. We soon left as well. We headed to the hotel where we would stay for the night.

Long day,

Travel Bug

Dear Travel Journal,

As we continued to make our way up the coast, we ended up stopping to take a break. Our break involved viewing and learning about the lives of seals. We took lots of videos and pictures. I thought it was funny to sea some of the seals wobble across the beach. Some of the seals were spraying sand onto their backs.

After the seals, we went on a self-tour nature walk. It was long, tiresome, and boring. Not to mention, my stomach ached out of hunger.



1 Destination | 1 Departure City